Innoviz Impact Report

About This Report

The report demonstrates our ongoing efforts to creating a positive impact for our stakeholders through our business, products and operations. The report relates both to the unique impact of our products and technology, aiming to redefine the landscape of automotive safety, as well as to our efforts to implement sustainable, inclusive and safe business practices in our operations.

We are excited to share this impact report and are proud of our progress to date. We hope to continue executing our environmental, social, and governance initiatives in the most efficient way. We are committed to taking meaningful actions to make a positive impact in the world. We look forward to telling you more about our actions and initiatives in next year’s report.


social impact optimized

Social Impact

  • 100% of our products contribute to increased road safety
  • ISO 45001:2018 certification achieved
  • Number of safety training hours increased by 350%
  • ~1000 Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) students were hosted in our HQ as part of our STEM education support program
sustainable operations optimized

Sustainable Operations

  • 38% of our cardboard waste was recycled
  • 24% reduction in expenditure on disposables
  • 100% of our products go through environmental resilience testing
  • ISO 14001:2015 certification achieved
  • Completion of Product Carbon Footprint calculation for our InnovizOneTM
  • First global corporate carbon footprint measurement completed – emission intensity is 3.28 TCO2eq per employee
Responsible business practices optimized

Responsible Business Practices

  • Adopted an ESG policy
  • 22% of our board members are women
  • Assessed by the ENX Association with TISAX® (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) on behalf of VDA